Hello Creators,
We hope you all had an awesome weekend! For anyone who didn’t get a chance to read our Space Blog #2, we are happy to announce that the new V55 patch is here! This patch will further introduce you to some improvements, tools, and new mechanics that will be used in space. Currently, our Universim team is split into two: one is working full speed ahead on new content for an upcoming patch and more people are being moved to the second team responsible for the development of space itself. We are planning to release a couple more patches prior to the full space expansion and, quite soon, we will be setting up an official release date for The Universim! 1.0! We are excited for that moment and event. We really hope that you are excited as well.
In the meantime, we would like to give one more shout out to our friends from Blue Meridian who are releasing their dinosaur tycoon building game Prehistoric Kingdom on April 27th! One of the most exciting things in store for this game is the narrator, Nigel Marven! For many people, Nigel was a childhood hero who always talked about dinos and educated the world on these magnificent creatures. Prehistoric Kingdom will be available in 2 days! If you are a fan of dinosaurs and would love to build your own prehistoric park, make sure to check out the game and the trailer below!

Now, let's get back to The Universim and explore what awaits us in this new patch!
Key Features:
Nuggetoid Drones

Deeper space exploration led to several discoveries, one of which was the inability to actually survive on the server condition planets such as Lava, Ice, Toxic and - in some circumstances - even barren planets. This would be the end of the space exploration for Nuggets if not for one pretty smart Nugget who came up with an idea. This idea suggested the use of AI whose code was integrated into an indestructible machine and powered by alien technology.
Please, meet drones.
Drones are powerful AI machines that will allow your civilization to get into places where a regular Nugget would not be able to survive. Besides that, with some additional research, Drones can be drastically improved, allowing you to use them as your workforce on a planet. They are efficient, fast, and do not require food, water, or sleep. Though, they do require energy. In order for a drone to operate, you need to make sure that your drone factory is working or you actually researched a new technology that will allow your drones to charge one another.

Droid Factory

This is the place where your AI receives life. This building will allow you to produce drones in exchange for Unobtanium and some electronic components. The results will be worth it.

Unobtanium is a rare material that can be found throughout the universe. Many Nuggets believe that those ‘monuments’ are not naturally created and it is the actual technology of an alien species. These monuments contain an enormous power within them - one that has allowed Nuggets to power up their machines and make them work. Those monuments won’t be found on every planet, but finding one and extracting it would definitely help your civilization move forward.
Unobtanium Extractor

In order to extract the monument and actually use it for the drones and some other space technology, Nuggets had to come up with a proper solution. Their regular instruments were not working well with these hard materials so, as a result, the super drill was invented and led to the creation of the Unobtanium Extractor.
The Unobtanium Extractor is being built on top of the Unobtanium monuments and slowly and surely the monument will be extracted - even though this process will require some resources to be used in the process.

Burning Trees

With the addition of the lava planets, we were faced with a task to do something with the trees. It was either removing them or making them burn. Just removing them was a trivial task that would require less time but, since we love attention to details, we decided to take a harder route. Now, with increased temperature, either due to fire, the lava planet, or simply changes in temperature, your trees will slowly burn which will see the removal of their leaves.
Nugget Tools

As Nuggets advanced in space, old tools were no longer sufficient. New tools were implemented that would better suit the Space Era, allowing Nuggets to collect resources, build new buildings, and repair them more efficiently.

Nugget & Droid Weapons Weapons

What is a Space Age without any kind of blasters?! New weapons were added for both the Nuggets and new drones. These weapons are more powerful than regular weapons so keep them handy when you continue to explore space.

Improvements and balance changes
- Planet loading system. We are constantly working on improving the speed with which our planets load. This time we were able to cut off an extra 15 seconds from the loading time.
- Notification system. As we moved towards the colonization of other planets, we noticed that a lot of people were excited once they ended up on the moon. So much so, that some players were completely forgetting about their Mother Planet. As a result, in many cases, the civilization would collapse. In order to help with that issue, a notification system has been introduced. That system will notify you if something bad is happening on your other planet.
- Decreased building decay. Exactly what it says - on other planets (except where you are currently stationed) building decay is significantly reduced.
- Added pollution indicator to the tooltips of the lakes. Now you can see how much your lake is polluted and when it will reach a critical level.
- Space port arrival timer was added to the game. Now you will be able to see when exactly your package will arrive by simply clicking on the space port.
- Improved the Performance/Speed of Saves and AutoSaves, also lowered save size by 10-15%
- Made the visual area projectors more accurate to the actual radius size (cemetery/engineer/firefighter/etc.)
- Assign All button was added to multiple buildings
Bug Fixes:
Fixed: Minister building sometimes caused your Nuggets to become invisible
Fixed: Infected areas would appear near the lakes causing the pollution of the lakes
Fixed: Issue which allowed the launching of a rocket without electricity and water
Fixed: A bug that caused nuggets to have incorrect/no animations on loading a save
Fixed: A rare bug that could cause an exile settlement to be placed
Fixed: A bug that was causing nuggets to clear an extra unit of area around residentials, often clearing trees/rocks far outside the range of the construction site
That’s it for the notes! Our team is working hard to keep providing new updates while continuing working on the entire space system. We hope you will enjoy this new patch and you are looking forward to the multiplanetary colonization of space and uncovering a big mystery of The Universim! If you would like to drop us your feedback, please don’t hesitate to join our [discord] and leave it there.
Thanks for your continued support and amazing feedback! It makes development of The Universim a constant joy. Please don’t forget to leave us a review on Steam, it means a lot to us. Stay godly!
All the best,
The Crytivo Crew