June DevLog is here!
First of all, we would like to say thank you everyone for your support and feedback that we received throughout June. We’re excited to announce the second of the large regional areas of the world has sprung to life -- The Sun Biome!
Exploring the Sun Biome will yield all sorts of new items, enemies, quests, skilling opportunities, and wide new range of Chimera species! The dry mountain lands contain many new areas… and dangerous enemies!
New Sun Biome!

Highlands in the Sun Biome

New Enemies
Troll Mage:
Troll Mages wear Sun Amulets, granting them unnatural heat immunity, and the power to enact powerful Sun Magic!

Trolls are big and a pretty stupid creatures, but they possess incredible physical strength and have laid claim to the Sun lands both on the surface and underground!

Ancient Creature (Sun Ancient)
These massive land creatures are not enemies, nor are they Chimera… Little is known of their origin. Sun Ancients are incredibly strong, but will not cause harm unless provoked. Only the most powerful Witches will manage to defeat one, and acquire its rare essence!

New Chimera Ability - Rock Toss!
This is Rock Toss, one of many newly added Chimera Abilities - drop a rock on your enemies' heads. It does medium damage, but has a short cooldown. It is a fairly common ability among Chimera of the Nature type!
This is a preview of the shiny new HUD! You will be able to see vital information, such as your HP / MP / XP levels, the time of the day, and cooldowns of your spells.

For next month, we’ll be setting out into the Oceanic islands of the Storm Biome!
Once again, thank you everyone for your support and feedback! Don’t forget to swing by Twitter & Discord to follow future developments every step of the way as well as add Serin Fate to your wishlist on Steam!