Hello Farmers
Starting this month, we will be introducing the NPCs that will populate a diverse Farm Folks world. In Farm Folks, you’ll find yourself on islands isolated by the ocean. Though separated, these islands will connect the overarching world by bridges. The world we have in mind is pretty big, meaning that there will be plenty of points of interest scattered throughout areas such as forests, deserts, caves, and mountains. We will share more about the world of Farm Folks in our future updates. Make sure to sign up to our email newsletter here if you don’t want to miss it!

Meet Ricardo
Ricardo is a former military airplane pilot who crashed on the island 17 years ago. He was saved by a local man named Mikkel who was hiking near the crash site when it happened. Nurse Hanna had to amputate Ricardo’s right leg as it was severely damaged during the crash. Years after the crash, Ricardo opened his own bread bakery in town. He works solo and always opens his store at 7 o’clock in the morning and closes it at 3 pm. Everyone in town not only enjoys fresh buttery bread but also the smell from the ovens that can be experienced miles away from the bakery.

Initial Character Explorations
Ricardo holds letters from his only daughter. His daughter decided to travel around the world after the death of her mother. She’s been traveling for a while and always sends Ricardo letters, describing her journeys, encounters, etc.

The second concept iteration looked a bit too Lumberjack-ish,
so we went back to the drawing board!
Ricardo knows that his daughter is fine; she is smart, mature, and very creative. But Ricardo misses her and wants to recover letters that still might be in the abandoned airplane in the middle of the forest. He tried reaching the crash site on multiple occasions, but his prosthetic leg limits his mobility and he is too prideful to ask anyone for help.

Now we're talking! He looks more like the Ricardo we'll come to know
Ricardo has a best friend, Mr. Whistler, that he carries on his shoulder at all times. Mr. Whistler is a parrot that flew into Ricardo’s apartment one day. For some reason, the bird never left and stayed with Ricardo. It might be because Ricardo is entertaining, despite his shyness, or it could be the bread that he bakes.

Meet Ricardo
Occupation: Local baker, former military pilot
Typical outfit: Jeans, boots, rolled up sleeves, apron, and a beanie with the hair poking out from underneath
Dream/Goals: See his daughter again and somehow retrieve her letters at the plane crash site
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Hair color: Dark brown, almost black depending on lighting
Eye color: Dark brown
Skin tone: Tan
Ethnic inspiration: Latino/Hispanic
Height: 6’3”
Body type: Strong and fit build. Broad shoulders + arms
This is just a little snippet about who Ricardo is. You’ll be able to learn more about Ricardo in the game, starting with retrieving his daughter’s letters from the crash site. A bit of advice: if you want to get to know Ricardo, it’s probably best that you become friends with Mr. Whistler first. That grumpy bird will actually change the color of his feathers based on his relationship with you. The happier he is, the brighter he will appear.
We hope you enjoyed this first NPC feature for Farm Folks! We hope you like Ricardo as much as we do and we can’t wait to share more stories for upcoming characters. We want to give you some insight into the NPCs, but we won’t spoil everything, of course.
We also want to add that most of the characters in-game are going to be romanceable with no particular gender preferences. We will allow you to create the relationships of your dreams and how they unfold is up to you. Please leave us a like and a comment and don’t forget to sign-up to our newsletter to receive updates about all upcoming features and events.
And of course, join our Discord!

The Crytivo Crew